10/10 Exceptional
23 Sept 2024
スタッフのIDRISSさんという方の対応が素晴らしかったです。何もかも親切でコンゴ入国ビザ申請に必要なcertificat d’hébergementの手配、空港までのピックアップ、コンゴ民主共和国までの国境越えの手配まで全て親切に完璧に対応してくださいます。加えて他のところまでも親切極まりなく、コンゴ共和国に行くならこちらへ泊まられることを強くお勧めします。
The staff member, Mr. Idriss, was wonderful. He was very kind and helped me with everything, from arranging the certificate for the Congo visa application, to picking me up at the airport, to arranging the border crossing to the Democratic Republic of the Congo. He was also extremely kind in other areas, so I highly recommend staying here if you are going to the Republic of the Congo.
takuma, 1-night trip