2/10 Poor
8 Sept 2023
Service sector at it worst
The hotel switch off the aircon compressor thru the day. Hotel lobby was hot, and mind you, it is summer and 30 degrees in September 2023. I made a feedback about my room being very hot and the aircon was not working due to their switching off the compressor.
nothing was done. 2nd day, made the same feedback as i woke up at 10pm, and 4am twice each night and called to feedback. Next morning, i met the hotel manager, and this was the worst answer i could get from a hotel manager. He told me it was impossible for him to waste electricy and switch on the air con compressor as the hotel have only 20++ rooms occupied.
They are not willing to switch it on due to fact that it was under utilised. Horrible arrangment. i rest my case
Jackson, 3-night trip