This review was submitted before 2018 and has not been verified.
8/10 Very good
4 Sept 2017
Not five star holiday but authentic
First of all, we chose this place because of lack of transport options to the Northwestern part of San Blas. We got a direct flight to Achutupu runway, an experience in itself. We were picked up by Jeronimo, the 80year old owner of the lodge. The lodge is old but kept spic and span. We were a bit disapointed to be the only tourists, however, it had some charme to be the only visitors to the island. Unfortunately, the rest of the island that belonged to other people but uninhabited had lots of litter on its beaches. Still, there wer two very clean beaches with shady trees. One of the employees took us for two daytrips to very neat little islands to snorkel. Unfortunately, there were no canoos or other boats to rent that would have made us more independent. The trip to Achutupo was authentic, a wonderful village with 2000 inhabitants, and NO cars or motorcycles. Unfortunately, on its beaches lots of litter. Also, no place for animal/rights/people with pigs kept in minute cages...The downside of the place were the tiny moscitos smaller than the holes in the moscito net provided. Bring your own moscito net, and aks the staff for smoke spirals that you also should use in the restaurant. Repellents to do not work. And be aware that you are not residing in a luxury cabin you may know from more famous tourist places. You are going to an authentic area where the Guna Yala live their more or less traditional lives. One further advice is to bring along drinking water.
heribert, 4-night trip